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Understanding Deep Bites: Causes, Treatments, Complications and Costs

What is a Deep Bite?

A deep bite refers to an excessive vertical overlap of the front teeth when the jaw closes. Ideally, the upper incisors slightly overlap the lower incisors by 2-4 mm. A deep bite exceeding 4 mm or when lower teeth impinge too far on the gums behind the uppers is considered problematic functionally and aesthetically.

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Causes of Deep Bite

Genetics play a primary role with the size-to-fit relationship between teeth and jaws established early in childhood. Other causes include:

  • Abnormally positioned teeth pushing others out of alignment
  • Missing teeth allowing unopposed teeth to extrude excessively
  • Tongue thrusting or thumb sucking habits driving front teeth forward
  • Overly strong jaw muscles forcing excessive bite closure
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Symptoms & Problems Associated With Deep Bite

While some patients adapt fine to deep bite, problems potentially include:

  • Tooth wear, chipping or abfraction lesions from excessive force placed on a smaller contact area

  • Difficulty maintaining good oral hygiene to clean nested lower anterior teeth

  • Speech impediments causing lisping or impaired pronunciation

  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction from uneven compressive chewing forces

  • Sleep apnea risk with obstructed airways and difficulty nasal breathing through the night

Deep Bite Treatment Options

Orthodontic Correction

Metal braces and clear aligner trays can successfully level out the bite plane while retracting excessive lower tooth protrusion. Treatment times generally span 18-24 months. Aligner costs range $3,000 – $8,000.

Dental Restorations

Crowns placed on molars and premolars can increase vertical dimension while veneers mask extruded incisors. Although costly at $800 - $2,500 per unit, restorations instantly improve deep bite aesthetics.

Occlusal Guards

Rigid nightguard appliances stop teeth grinding (bruxism), a causation of overly compressive bite forces aggravating overclosure. While not correcting underlying deep bite, managing this habit prevents worsening. Expect costs of $500 - $1,500.

Botox Injections

Paralyzing hyperactive jaw muscles with botulinum toxin injections to both masseters for 6 months allows relaxing the bite closure. However, Botox only temporarily masks symptoms with no permanent correction. At $1,000 per set of injections, results are short-lived.

Orthognathic Jaw Surgery

Reconstructing upper and/or lower jaws repositions misaligned teeth unable to be fully corrected nonsurgically. While highly invasive, jaw realignment also benefits facial aesthetics and breathing. As major surgery under general anaesthesia, costs range from $20,000 to $40,000.

Deep Bite London Treatment Cost

Potential Complications If left untreated, deep bites often worsen progressively resulting in

  • Acute tooth wear and fractures requiring crowns or extractions/implants

  • Bone loss and gum recession around lower incisors exacerbating aesthetics

  • Speech deficits from tongue obstruction by overly prominent upper anterior

  • Problems with chewing, jaw function and arthritis

Selecting the Best Deep Bite Treatment Plan

With various options carrying different invasiveness, costs and potential complications, no single solution ideally suits every patient. After a thorough oral examination, your dentist will suggest the most appropriate treatments to correct your individual deep bite condition for optimal aesthetics and whole body wellness.