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Invisalign Cost, Special Offers

Cost of Invisalign treatment in London and the UK.

One of the most commonly asked questions from Invisalign providers is always:

What is Invisalign Cost?

Like any other dental treatment, the cost of a course of Invisalign treatment depends on the severity of the dental problem. This affects the number of aligners that are needed to complete a course of Invisalign treatment and hence the length of time it takes to achieve a good result. The number of aligners needed reflects the laboratory costs and the length of time it takes to complete the treatment affects the clinical costs of a course of Invisalign treatment.

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Invisalign, worldwide, has categorised the treatments for adult patients into four different groups;
Invisalign Special Offers London
Invisalign i7 or Express which has a set of maximum 7 aligners.
Invisalign Special Offers London
Invisalign Lite which has a set of maximum 14 aligners.
Invisalign Special Offers London
Invisalign Moderate which has a set of maximum 20 aligners.
Invisalign Special Offers London
Invisalign Comprehensive or Full, when need more than 20 aligners.

At Bayswater Dental Clinic, for the ease of our Invisalign patients, we offer the most common treatment options of Invisalign Lite, Moderate and Comprehensive at a fixed package price. The aim of this is to remove any cost ambiguity for our patients and easier to understand the Invisalign prices. So from the start our patients get to know what is covered by the package offer and what is not included. In this way, our patients can be rest assured that there are no hidden costs during their course of treatment.

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How much are our Invisalign Special Offers?

We are pleased at Bayswater Dental Clinic to offer our patients the fixed package fees for Invisalign treatments:

(All above packages includes: Consultation and clinical assessment with OPG x-ray and 3D scan, 3 sets of Invisalign Vivera retainers, Home teeth whitening and minor cosmetic contouring at the end if required)

Invisalign cost, payment options

At Bayswater Dental Clinic, to cover the Invisalign cost, we offer 3 options of payment.

Option 1: Pay-as-you-go

This is how it works. Once Invisalign treatment starts, patient make the following payments:

  • £400 for preparation of Invisalign Clincheck video. Followed by;
  • £799 once patient is happy with the video and asks for the aligners to be made. Followed by;
  • £350 payments every 4-7 weeks till total Invisalign cost is paid off. Therefore:
    • There are 4 x £350 payments for Invisalign Lite package offer.
    • There are 5 x £350 payments for Invisalign Moderate package offer.
    • There are 7 x £350 payments for Invisalign Comprehensive package offer.
Invisalign Offers in London
Invisalign Offers London

Option 2: 0% Finance up to 18 months

This is how it works.  

  • Patient applies for 0% finance loan, for part or all of the Invisalign cost, up to a maximum of 18 months.
  • The application process is helped by the clinic, however, the clinic is not involved nor is part of the finance approval.
  • Subject to a credit check history, the bank makes the decision about the loan.
  • Once the application is approved, patient starts to make monthly payments directly to the bank.

As a guide, a typical monthly payment for a 18 months application is as follows;

  • £144 /month for Invisalign Lite package offer.
  • £183 /month for Invisalign Moderate package offer.
  • £205 /month for Invisalign package offer.

Option 3: 5% discount if full advance payment is made

This is how it works. If a patient decides to make the full payment in advance, they obtain a 5% discount on the total cost.

What are included in the Invisalign package special offers?

Invisible Braces in London

All the Invisalign package special offers include;

  • Free consultation to assess suitability for Invisalign treatment and the type needed.
  • Explaining the procedure for Invisalign treatment and how it works.
  • Providing a written treatment plan showing the Invisalign costs and what is included.
  • Free OPG X-ray and 3D-scan and photos (worth £150).
  • Free regular “review” appointments to monitor the progress of treatment (each worth £49).
  • Free emergency appointments for Invisalign treatment if & when needed (each worth £49).
  • Free completion of prescribed treatments by Invisalign such as attachments, IPRs, etc.
  • Free bite assessment and correction at end of the treatment.
  • Free minor tooth contouring & shaping for best aesthetic result at the end of treatment.
  • Free 3 sets of removable Invisalign Vivera Retainers at the end of treatment (worth £575).
  • Free home whitening kit at completion of treatment (worth £250).

This allows our patients to know exactly how much their Invisalign treatment will cost and what is included and covered by the offer, so they can plan to and organise the finances.

What are NOT included in the Invisalign package special offers?

There can be few expenses that are not included in the Invisalign special package offers. These will include the followings;

  • Any hygiene visits need prior or during the course of treatment
  • Any dental treatments needed. Prior to start of Invisalign treatment, patients must be dentally and orally fit and healthy.
  • Mid-course corrections, when aligners no longer fit mid treatment. This can be due to lack of ideal compliance during treatment or for other reason. This necessitates repeating the treatment from start and making brand new aligners. There is a fixed fee of £500 for this process.
  • At the end of a course of any Invisalign treatment, for any reasons, if further aligners are needed for better result, new aligners will be needed and this necessitates repeating the treatment from start and making brand new aligners. There is a fixed fee of £500 for this process. This acts as a little insurance policy that if ideal results were not achieved in a course of treatment, without paying the full fee, our patient can benefit from a repeat course of treatment at a much reduced fee of £500.
  • If any aligners are lost during a course of treatment, there is a fee of £150 for making each pair of aligners.
  • Additional fixed retainers, which is in form of a wire being glued to the back of the top and bottom teeth to further reduce the risk of teeth moving again once treatment is finished.
Invisible Braces London

Why is there cost differences for Invisalign treatments?

There can be substantial price differences between different dental clinics in the London area and the UK as a whole. At Bayswater Dental Clinic, we have the highest ranking Diamond provider status as granted by Invisalign UK. This status is achieved based on the number of Invisalign cases that are successfully completed annually. Diamond status allows us to offer our patients Invisalign treatments at a much lower costs than many other dental clinics in London without a compromise on the high standard of the care and services we provide.