HOW CAN I SPREAD THE COST FOR INVISALIGN IN LONDON? 020 7229 4627 07885532883 Book Online

How Can I Spread the Cost for Invisalign London?

We can make Invisalign affordable for all, with our Invisalign London Special Offers:

Pay As You Go Payment Plan. The cost of the Invisalign treatment is broken down into parts as follows.

1- Payment for Clincheck video: Following your consultation, your Clincheck video is prepared, which shows how teeth will move.

2- Payment for making the aligners: When you are happy with the result seen in the video, aligners are ordered and made by Invisalign London.

3- Payments when you get new sets of aligners: You are usually seen every 4-8 weeks and each time to come in; you contribute some towards the remaining cost.

These breakdowns are shown in the table below.

0% finance option over 1-3 years. This allows monthly payments as low as;

  • £29 a month for Invisalign Express (Invisalign i7).
  • £40 a month for Invisalign Lite.
  • £52 a month for Invisalign Comprehensive (Invisalign Full).

These prices are based on 0% finance over 36 months (requires 30% deposit).

Invisalign Teeth Straightening