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Fixing Crowded Teeth: Symptoms, Treatments and Cost in the UK

Are overlapping front teeth making you self-conscious about smiling openly? Do gaps between back molars prevent effective chewing? This guide covers resolving crowded teeth in the UK – from underlying causes to modern orthodontic solutions.

What Defines Crowded Teeth?

Crowded teeth occur when the overall size of teeth exceeds available space in the jaw’s dental arch causing flaring, rotations or overlap. Mild cases may only involve one or two errant teeth while severe crowding significantly disrupts alignment.

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Symptoms of Crowded Teeth

Noticeable signs of crowded, crooked or overlapping teeth include:

  • Protruding front teeth sticking out farther than normal
  • Front teeth appearing out of parallel with contacting edges
  • Back teeth emerging tilted or faced at odd inward/outward angles
  • Excessive spacing between certain teeth
  • Uneven gaping when biting down between uppers and lowers
  • “Bunched up” appearance with excessive overlapping among front four to six teeth
  • Chronic tenderness when chewing certain foods favouring one side
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While minor irregularities may be merely cosmetic concerns, moderate to severely crowded teeth often impose oral health and functional problems leading to

  • Increased tooth decay and gum disease susceptibility

  • Chronic irritation inside cheeks causing sores and inflammation

  • Speech impediments requiring speech therapy exercises

  • Difficulty properly brushing and flossing tightly packed teeth

  • Jaw joint discomfort or painful TMJ flare ups

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Underlying Causes of Crowded Teeth

Genetic causes often drive crowded teeth arising from combinations of:

  • Inherited small jaw sizes providing inadequate space to accommodate naturally developing adult teeth

  • Late arrivals of wisdom teeth further limit eruptive room

  • Over-retention of surplus baby teeth blocking successors

  • Accessory extra tooth buds above the standard count of 32

Additionally, some childhood mouth breathing patterns can restrict maxilla growth altering available tooth positioning space over the long term. Consulting an orthodontist determines exact causation through diagnostic records examination including panoramic x-rays, plaster models, intraoral scanning and genetic or allergy testing.

Treatments for Crowded Teeth

Mild-Moderate Crowding Treatment Options

Cosmetic contouring

Filing slenderizing oversized teeth for subtle increased space

Dental bonding

Layering tooth-coloured material onto misshapen teeth reshaping edges


Selectively removing minuscule enamel portions using high-speed air abrasion


Filling excess spacing with crowns, bridges, implants, dentures


Removing compromised non-restorable damaged teeth maintains oral health

Moderate-Severe Crowding Solutions


Wearing external appliances applies pressure encouraging jaw development

Palatal Expanders

Devices slowly widen upper dental arches over time alleviating overlap

Orthodontic Braces

Metal or ceramic brackets incrementally shift teeth alignment progressing each visit

Clear Aligner Therapy

Newer option using a series of thin, custom plastic trays to progressively guide teeth into alignment without highly visible hardware

Over-Retention Extractions

Removing lingering excess baby teeth allows adult teeth to erupt into newly freed space

Interceptive Orthodontics

Beginning earlier in childhood redirects emerging eruptive paths into expanded space through growth guidance

Oral Surgery

Reconstructing gum ridges or finely repositioning jaws surgically enlarges room for corrected teeth arch alignment

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How Much Do Crowded Teeth Treatments Cost in the UK?

Approximate private dentistry fees for common solutions in the UK span:

  • Routine Fillings – £50 - £100 per tooth

  • Cosmetic Contouring – £150 - £500 per tooth

  • Inman or SPR Aligners – £1800 - £3000 per arch

  • Six Month Smiles® Braces – £2000 - £3500 per arch

  • Ceramic Braces – £2500 - £5500 per arch

  • Lingual “Hidden” Braces – £4000 - £7000 per arch

  • Clear Correct Aligners – £4000 - £6500 per case

  • Invisalign® Aligners – £4000 - £7000 per case

  • Orthognathic Jaw Surgery – £10,000 - £20,000 per surgery

A multitude of therapeutic regimen alternatives elegantly facilitate the disbursement of expenses on a monthly basis throughout the prescribed duration of treatment courses. Initiating orthodontic care at an earlier stage in life, rather than postponing the commencement of such interventions until the achievement of academic graduation ceremonies or professional milestones, frequently results in a significant reduction in the necessity for more extended, and thus potentially more costly, treatments in the future. It is advisable to consult with esteemed orthodontic specialists for bespoke assessments and tailored financial advisement, particularly catered to the distinct severity of your malocclusion.

Target the Root of the Problem Early

Left untreated, moderate-severe crowding worsens over time escalating tooth destruction and jaw damage. But by understanding causation and today’s wide array of orthodontic solutions, a confident smile and healthy bite alignment awaits! Consider a proactive evaluation now to protect lifelong oral health.