WHAT ARE THE CAUSES FOR TEETH BECOMING DARKER? 020 7229 4627 07885532883 Book Online

What are the Causes for Teeth Becoming Darker?

There are many causes for teeth becoming darker. Some of the common reasons are:

  • Teeth get stained by the everyday food and drink we consume; tea, coffee, red wine and many deeply coloured vegetables cause stains on the teeth.
  • Smoking will also discolour teeth; the naturally bright, light shades of enamel turn yellow and become darkened due to the deposits of tar and nicotine.
  • As we age and our tooth enamel wears thinner, the natural yellow colour of the dentine under the tooth enamel starts to show through, giving that dull, dark look to your teeth.
  • Biological changes in the nerve house of a tooth results in loss of its vitality. These changes can be the result of decay or trauma and they can give your teeth that dark look.

Even with a perfect oral hygiene routine it may not be possible to remove these stains and colours, as the stain particles penetrate into the inner structure of the tooth and can be removed only by a proper teeth whitening process.