WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF COMPOSITE BONDING? 020 7229 4627 07885532883 Book Online

What are the advantages of Composite Bonding?

composite bonding or dental bonding is one of the least invasive methodsfor improving your smile. In comparison to alternative option of porcelain veneers, composite bonding benefits can be listed as:

  1. There is no need for teeth drilling in a vast majority of the cases. This makes composite bonding one of the most desirable forms of dental veneers.
  2. Composite bonding is considered to be fully reversible when no tooth drilling has been done which the case in vast majority of the cases.
  3. Composite bonding does not necessarily need to cover all of the tooth surfaces. This allows them to be an ideal choice for closing or reducing gaps between the teeth.
  4. Composite bonding is ideal for closing the gap with top front teeth. A good example of this is the gap most commonly seen with top front teeth known as Diastema.
  5. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite bonding is easily repairable. If a porcelain veneer gets damaged, a new one has to be made by the lab for replacing it which takes time and is costly. Composite bonding can be easily and directly repaired in the same visit and is much more economical. So composite bonding is a much cheaper and faster solution than porcelain veneer when repairing is needed.
  6. Composite bonding is usually completed in one visit. This is because composite bonding is directly placed on the teeth and then shaped and contoured and polished. With composite bonding the transformation of your smile is almost instant.
  7. Composite bonding is usually cheaper than porcelain veneers or crowns.
  8. Almost anyone can have composite bonding.