What are the disadvantages of Dental BonDing?
To compare with porcelain veneers as an alternative option:
- Dental bonding can get stains like your own teeth. But the remedy is easy and they can be polished and cleaned regularly. How fast dental bonding can stain very much depends on diets and habits of an individual, similar to natural teeth.
- The appearance and quality of dental bonding depends on the skill and experience of the dentist treating you. Any dentist can add composite material to a tooth but not every dentist can do beautiful composite bonding.
- Dental bonding cannot be whitened. But this is true with any form of dental restorations including porcelain veneers. Ideally teeth should be whitened first and then have the dental bonding or porcelain veneers done. Then the colour of the veneers can be matched to the whitened teeth.